Someone asked recently, What do you believe in?
I believe in miracles.
I believe in the undeniable power of love.
I believe we are all here for a reason, to learn from Love.
I believe suffering is nothing more than a doorway to a greater self, no matter how painful crossing it may be. And painful it is.
I believe in listening. Stillness. Silence. Meditation.
I believe in Science and Spirit walking hand in hand, empowering eachother and empowering us.
I believe in Angels. Those we see and those we feel. They help us. Hold us. Push us. Believe in us. We might feel lonely at times, but we are never alone.
I believe in the uniqueness of each Soul. Independently of species, race, gender, sexuality and beliefs. If you are here, then you matter.
I believe we are one with Nature and Nature is one with us. It gives us food. Shelter. Medicine. Water. Ambition. Growth. Love nature. Cherish it. Respect it.
I believe it is through the darkest of times when we rise the highest.
I believe in the transcendental power of our soul. Our ultimate guiding light.
At last, I believe we do not believe in ourselves nearly enough. And I believe the time for that to change is Now.
With love, Gonçalo